

"These workshops should be a way and a reason for every woman to find and feel empowered by her own sensuality.  I learned a lot in the workshops about what was holding me back from fully expressing my most sensual self.  It was a fun and safe way to explore the parts of myself I didn't even know we're hiding.  I recommend doing a class every month-- sensuality is like anything, it takes practice and commitment and Hani knows how to hold the most sacred space to allow you to fully explore."

- Danielle DuBoise, Founder of Sakara

"Working with Hani has changed my life.  As a woman in a long-term committed relationship I was not sure where to begin to feel into my sensuality, desire or pleasure.  Hani has helped me to uncover who I am and what I want. Hani creates a beautiful, safe and sexy environment where experimentation and vulnerability are nurtured and celebrated."

- Beth Briggs, Career Coach

"The Wild Feminine is a truly transformative experience for any woman interested in exploring sensuality and developing tools to incorporate a sensuality practice into her everyday life.  Hani is a passionate, knowledgeable and inspired instructor who gently guides you into locating your own internal desires and taking ownership of them to fully experience and enjoy external pleasure (sexual and otherwise). I've learned through my work with Hani at the Wild Feminine that a sensuality practice is vital to self-expression, essential for human connection and cultivating creativity -- and a critical part of self-care.  The workshops have helped me to find new layers of my own individuality, improved my self-perception and incited a renewed curiosity about what lights my soul on fire.  The Wild Feminine is an especially important space for women in these modern times. "

- Deya Danielle Drake, Filmmaker/Producer

"What a stunning avenue to sink into, and honor, your feminine energy! It was a vivid reminder of how powerful we are as women, and how important it is to carry that out into the world.  Having a safe space to build this kind of practice is so necessary, and having Hani as your guide is priceless. It was such a beautifully validating experience!"

-  Jasmin Walker, Broadway Actress

"Hani’s sensual guidance and wisdom has lit me on fire for myself! The journey is empowering, deeply healing, and pleasurable.  Women need her work now more than ever."

- Jane Stiles, Actress/Filmmaker